Coastal Bend Audubon Society has been recording our monthly meeting seminar presentations in Zoom, so please watch this page for links to our YouTube videos. To view each video, click on the button below the seminar description.

Here are many of the seminar presentations that were previously recorded:

The Mid-Continent Shorebird Management Plan & Local Implementation

– presented by Kelli Stone & David Newstead, Ph.D.

Texas Whooping Cranes: Challenges & Opportunities for Conservation -

Presented by Katie Fernald

Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) Ecology in Texas

-- presented by Liam Wolff

Attwater's Prairie Chicken's Recovery -

presented by Tim Anderson

Using eBird and Other Sites to Find Birds and Report Bird Sightings

presented by Ben Horstmann

Understanding Wading Bird Foraging Habitat Availability in Intertidal Zones

presented by Antonio Cantu, Ph.D., Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Click on the button below to view the video.

Buff-Breasted Sandpipers

presented by Tara Rodkey, Master’s student at the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Management Institute, Texas A&M University - Kingsville

Click on the button below to view the video.

Red Knots in the Gulf of Mexico

presented by David Newstead, Ph.D., Director of Coastal Bird Program, Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program

The Deleterious Effects of Trash on Birds and Other Wildlife: Treating Entanglement and Other Injuries

.presented by Andrew Orgill,

Staff Supervisor, Amos Rehabilitation Keep

Waterbirds & Their Habitats Along the Texas Coast & Across the Gulf of Mexico - Testing Resilience Without a Net -

presented by Dr. Larry McKinney, former HRI Executive Director and current Chair for Gulf Strategies. Click on the button below to view the video.

Beach-nesting Bird Conservation Along the Texas Coast -

presented by Kristen Vale, Texas Coastal Program Coordinator for American Bird Conservancy (ABC). Click on the button below to view the video.

Victoria Winter Hummingbirds – 14 to 160 - presented by Brent Ortego, USGS Texas Breeding Bird Survey Coordinator and retired Texas Parks & Wildlife Biologist. Click on the button below to view the video.

Mountain Plover Research & Conservation in the West - presented by Angela Dwyer, Northern Great Plains Program Manager at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies & Alli Pierce, Ph.D. candidate at the University of Colorado Denver. Click on the button below to view the video.

February 1, 2022: Long-Billed Curlews: Tracking a Species of Greatest Conservation Need - presented by Heather Hayes, Community Science Coordinator at the Intermountain Bird Observatory.  Click on the button below to view the video.

January 4, 2022: - Vulnerability of Corpus Christi Bay to Increased Salinities -

presented by Dr. Paul Montagna, Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies. Click on the button below to view the video.

December 7, 2021: Conservation of Black Rails in Texas -

presented by Jennifer Wilson & Jarrett (Woody) Woodrow. Click on the button below to view the video.

November 2, 2021: Black Skimmer Conservation in Texas - presented by Justin LeClaire. Click on the button below to view the video.

October 5, 2021: What's Happening at Redhead Pond WMA and the Encinal Peninsula?

- presented by Dr. Larisa Ford. Click on the button below to view the video.

September 7, 2021: Birding In South Texas State Parks, Your Other Backyard

presented by Ben Horstmann, Texas State Parks Regional Interpretive Specialist. Click on the button below to view the video.

April 6, 2021: Community Science and iNaturalist: A Partnership for Science & Conservation - presented by Craig Hensley, Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Click on the button below to view the video.