Live Oak County, "Carmel Hills, Mid – Low Tamaulipan and Marginal Riparian," adjacent to Lake Corpus Christi.
Registration required one week in advance (by October 17, 2023). Minimum for the trip is three participants. NOTIFY OUR FIELD TRIP LEADER, GENE BLACKLOCK, THAT YOU PLAN TO GO ON THIS FIELD TRIP. NOTIFY GENE BY TEXTING HIM AT 361-558-1829 AT LEAST ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE AND PROVIDE HIM WITH YOUR NAME(S) AND CELL PHONE NUMBER(S).
Meet: At the junction of Hwy 534 & Carmel Drive, located on the Southwest Side of Lake Corpus Christi at 7:30 AM. To get to this location from Mathis, go south out of Mathis on Hwy 359 through the town of Sandia; approximately 5.5 miles south of Sandia, turn Right (West), on Hwy 534. Drive North on Hwy 534 approximately 16 miles to the intersection of Hwy 534 and Carmel Drive. Caravan begins at meeting site at Carmel Drive/Hwy 359 at 7:30 A.M.
Reminder: Please dress appropriately, suggest baggy cryptic clothing (never white or black, never bright colors like red), hat, insect repellent, comfortable shoes (shoes preferably with ankle support), a light rain jacket (optional), drinking water and snacks. Recommend binoculars and field guide.
Sites: Some walking and Stop and Go Driving along Carmel Drive.
Please do not forget water, hat, insect repellent and snacks.
Restroom Availability: No bathrooms available until lunch. Recommend stopping for bathroom facilities at private businesses in Mathis or Sandia area before trip.
Lunch: Lunch in Mathis optional.
Trip Description: moderate, some walking.
Equipment: beginners, please have a field guide, binoculars or scopes if it is desirable.
Download seasonal Coastal Bend Bird checklists from Coastal Bend Audubon Society's webpage.
Habitat: Lake Corpus Christi - brushland, marsh, a large body of fresh water, and Mid -Low Tamaulipan and Marginal Riparian woodlands, adjacent to Lake Corpus Christi.
Birds of special interest: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Mallard, Northern Bobwhite, grebes, Greater Roadrunner, Common Pauraque, Screech Owl (uncommon), Sandhill Crane (overhead), Osprey, Red-shouldered and Harris's Hawks, Great Horned Owl, Vermilion Flycatcher, Bewick's Wren, Black-crested Titmouse, Verdin, Eastern Bluebird, Long-billed Thrasher, Olive Sparrow, several other sparrows, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Pine Warbler, Pyrrhuloxia, Spotted Towhee (uncommon).
CBAS field trips are an extension of a classroom learning experience, so please bring binoculars & field guide references (books, phone apps). Questions are encouraged and are welcomed.
Field trip summary will be reported on eBird, Facebook, Twitter and CBAS on line.